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Partner program

Partner program

Our store offers to become our partner and receive % from sales of our goods

In order to start earning from the purchases made by the buyers you brought, you need:

Register  in the store as a "Partner" by filling out a simple form.

After registration and confirmation of your partner account by the store administration.

To start earning from the sale of our products, you need:

1. In your partner account, go to the "Partner tracking code" section

2. In the "Referral link generator" section, enter or start entering the name of the product you want to sell. Our system will immediately show the found products in the form of a list, where you need to select the product you need and click on it.

3. After that, your affiliate link for this product will appear in the "Referral link" section.

You should send this link to your friends or place it where as many people as possible will see it and when they follow this link and make a purchase in our store, you will receive your % of the sale to your own account in the "partner office".

You can receive the earned funds to your own PayPal account, or make a purchase in the store.

(If the buyer buys even any other product in our store within 6 hours after clicking on your link, you will still receive your % of the value of the purchased product)

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